What is a TRPG?

(Photo credits: Diacritica, CC BY-SA 3.0)

A TRPG (Tabletop Role-Playing Game) or TTRPG is a game played by sitting around a table and pretending to be fictional characters.

More precisely, usually one of the players takes on the role of GM (Game Master), and directs the others with a centralized narrative. The others take on the role of PCs (Player Characters) and react within the boundaries set henceforth by the GM.

What's the fun in that? Well, if you can withstand the initial cringe of playing make-believe (if you have such a reaction, which is common among adults!) you will find that being part of a team, affirming others' fantasies and having yours affirmed in turn, is incredibly rewarding.

Yes, TRPGs are the most incredible of games. If you put yourself in them, you can claim the biggest of rewards: fun!

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