
Here are the stages I think many TRPG designers have passed through, or will pass through:

  1. Play D&D or totally-not-D&D as a player
  2. Play D&D or totally-not-D&D as GM
  3. Experience the pain, try to "Fix D&D" (a time-honored tradition dating back to at least 1975 with Warlock)
  4. Paradigm shift (you either have this or don't): realize it's possible to make a separate game than D&D
  5. Obligatory fantasy heartbreaker
  6. Obligatory trying to sell said fantasy heartbreaker under a vague idea of making money from your hobby
  7. Get in touch with the indie TRPG community. Either get depressed by the utter failure of aforementioned enterprise, or get hooked on making progressively weirder games
  8. ???
  9. Don't profit


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Joke's on you, I never started with D&D. Skipped straight to step 7.

That's cool. How did you first hear about TRPGs? I didn't include it in the post but it should be taken into consideration that this is how I think it works for many people in this time and space (surely people didn't upload on itch in 1974! xD) , but hopefully in the future more and more people can get into the hobby from alternate entry points.

If anything, because nobody deserves to play D&D, it's just so complex...

I found out through LARP, funnily enough. And I got into LARP through cosplay!

Oh, cosplay! That's interesting. It would be cool to make a map of the possible entry points, but it's a bit too much energy for me right now... xD